Complacency Interrupted

Attempting to "do" cultural studies...critique, analysis, and commentary. How am I doing Theodor??

03 July 2006

On discovering the location of one's balls

Now, I hate as much as the next gender-theory-conscious person to indulge in a sexual metaphor, but in this case, as most of Congress is male anyway, I feel the metaphor is somewhat warranted. In any case, it makes for a good head/subject line. And besides, if I can claim the phallus, I can certainly claim some balls. Twigs no good without the berries.

The GOP and the President have made a valiant effort to chip away at their approval ratings over the last three years or so, achieving an elegant fall from grace over such issues as gas prices, the growing deficit, and that other elephant in the room, the "war on terror." I applaud them for their determination to stay the course of ruin and unwavering stupidity. Mission accomplished, as it were.

This plummet into the abyss of political cock-up has remained, however, relatively in check as the Democrats and the Left have refused to go toe to toe, instead preferring to tow the line of political unity, if you will excuse the homonym. Growing up in the Midwest, I never really had a sense of the difference between political parties, only knowing that the Dems seemed "cooler" to my burgeoning leftist sensibilities. The GOP, on the other hand, seemed to made up of uncool old white guys who appeared to have a lot invested in making everyone feel like a mixed-up teenager, even when their constituency was mostly over the age of 30. In any case, the more leftist I became, the more the Democrats seemed cool. Or rather cool enough, as I would come to realize that the Dems were really the lesser of two evils.

Then came September 11, the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, and the beginning of the war on terror. And the Dems became the GOP, and the GOP became Gods Army, and the left remained located in the few courageous individuals who could still think straight enough to go, What the hell just happened? For all intensive purposes, the left disappeared. And I began to despair.

Where was the critique? Where were the questions? Where was the thoughtful and analytical engagement with the events of 2001, rather than the knee-jerk cry for blood and justice? The blogosphere was humming, but the most public of voices remained silent. Then the US government, condoned by popular opinion, sent thousands of young men and women to wage a war of vengeance. A war on terror became a war of terror.

And still the Dems remained silent, speaking in favor of unity and patriotism, as if to question our motives for war was in itself an act of violence. No one could speak out without being branded as unAmerican, whatever that means. We all went through this; theres no point in rehearsing the details. An irresponsibility on my part, perhaps. But not as irresponsible as using 16,000 American bodies for fodder in a battle over economic and ideological supremacy (BBC4: Dispatches: Americas Secret Shame [22 Nov. 2005] - I check my shit). By the way, 90f those 16,000 casualties occurred after GWBs big Mission Accomplished speech in May of 2003. Flash forward just over three years, and young people still battle on a massive and convoluted urban front line to accomplish the mission, whatever that was.

Now that I have that off my chest, let me say that for the first time in a long time, I have found something to be proud of in the Democratic party. CNN reported today that the Dems have vowed to reject any proposed salary increases for members of Congress until the national minimum wage is increased. And best of all, the Dems are holding out for an increase of $2.10, to raise the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 (thats £1.15, £2.07, and £3.12, respectively, for all those Brits and others among you). Awesome. Still kind of appalling that the minimum wage in the US is that low, but its a step in the right direction. And in this age, as a Dem or a Lefty, you take what you can get sometimes.

I especially like this scathing assessment of the GOPs legislative strategy by Harry Reid (D-Nevada): "They can play all the games the want. They can deal with gay marriage, estate tax, flag burning, all these issues and avoid issues like the prices of gasoline, sending your kid to college. But we're going to do everything to stop the congressional pay raise" (CNN, Democrats vow to block pay raises... 27 June 2006). He pretty much pins down how the GOP has used a perverse twist on Shock and Awe by distracting the American public with the use of hot button issues like abortion rights, gay marriage, and patriotism. These issues shock middle Americas sensitive morality, and then seek to awe that constituency with the GOPs attention to good Christian family values.

With this gesture, the Dems seem to be getting back to their somewhat lefty tendencies a little, showing solidarity with the working class and pointing out the ways that the Bush administration and the GOP have systematically ignored the working class over the last six years, and probably before that too. If were honest, we can admit that the US government has never been that sympathetic to the working class, for fear that such sympathy would result in a commie takeover and the end of an American capitalist meritocracy. But thats beyond the scope of this little blog right now.

So cheers to the Dems for taking a stand and finding their balls again. Fingers crossed, the standing-up for minimum wage stays hardline and rigid. And in my dreams of dreams, theyll manage to stay standing and continue to push for more reform, including national healthcare system, protecting the environment, providing more funding for education, protection of a womans right to choose and care for herself, and making comprehensive sex ed available in all schools. Oh, gay civil rights would help. And an end to this stupid DOMA thing... But one thing at a time. Its a start, now lets keep going.

Heres hoping for a turn in the course...

CNN: Dems and Payraises

--This blog was originally posted on 28 June 2006 on


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